
Tuesday, July 28, 2009

ready, set.....

i'm ready.
ready to just move on. ready for a new start. ready to see all that God has for me.
...ready to be all that i'm meant to be!

there's 20 days until it's time to be down at liberty, and i cannot wait! God has just prepared my heart over this past year for such a time as this. i has been the most trialing year of my life, and i've cried soo many times, but i could not be more thankful for all that He's going to do with it. i've definitely had time to think so many things over, just replaying them allll in my head over and over, but the more i keep thinking and realizing the preparation they've given me, i couldn't think of doing them over. 

i've spent some time reading and realizing things....this is an excerpt of something that a friend gave to me..
**The Gift of Woundedness - written by Francis Frangipane..
..."Gift?" you ask. Yes, to be wounded in the service of mercy and, instead of closing our hearts, allow woundedness to crown love, is to realease God's power in redemption. The steadfast prayer of the wounded intercessor holds great sway upon the heart of God...We cannot become Christlike without being wounded. You see, even after we come to Christ, we carry encoded within us preset limits concerning how far we will go for love, and how much we are willing to suffer for redemption. When God allows us to be wounded, He exposes those human boundaries and reveals what we lack of His nature...

the things that God allows us to go through are all a part of Him molding us, and preparing us for what He's going to do in our lives. sometimes we just need to live out hard times in our lives so that we're able to have the complete understand and compassion for others in situations similar to what we've been through. to gain a further knowledge of Christ, we need to experience what He has gone through for us....& even though they might not all be pleasant and enjoyable..

i can't waittt!! :]

Thursday, July 16, 2009

OBX 09

the cousins

here's a few pics of my fam vaca down in the OBX!
it's sooo nice here & it's making me even more excited for LU in virginiaaa!! :D

Thursday, July 9, 2009

summer livin'

hi again..well, right now i'm at Chautauqua Lake with the whoooole crew & i gotta love it here! i've been coming here for as longgg as i can remember & have so many mems here at this place! i'm really hoping this isn't going to be my last summer here since i've graduated and everything, but who knows if and when i'll be here next... :( I've pretty much spent everyyy summer here with Chris and everyone else, and it's just a tradition that i hope will continue. so i've been here since monday, and we'll be leaving tomorrow sometime to head down to PA for the night & then on to the OBX for friday...i'm looking forward to friday night because i'll be meeting one of the guys i've been talking to who's going to Liberty with me & the fall, and he's pretty sweeet :P so yeah, that's one of my highlights, haha...but then, we'll be in the OBX with the fam for a week, which i'm sooo looking forward to the sun because it still feels like april here when it's almost mid july :/ so i'm praying for good weather & a great time before i head off to LU!

well anyways, it's pretty late, so i should probably be heading to bed...
¡hasta luego!
...buenas noches :]